KOTA KINABALU: The recent retreat held by the Innovation and Commercialisation Management Centre (ICMC) of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) on 16-18 February 2023 at Kasih Sayang Hill Resort, Kota Kinabalu was a resounding success. The retreat was aimed at enhancing the team's spirit of collaboration and exploring innovative strategies to strengthen the research and innovation initiatives of the university.

The ICMC team worked tirelessly on several agendas, including drafting two crucial policies, Intellectual Property and Commercialisation Policy, and Consultancy Policy, along with their respective guidelines for the policies. In addition, the team also revised their procedure for migrating from a manual process to an online application process, ensuring seamless implementation.

Team building activities were also carried out to strengthen the team's work spirit. The activities provided a great opportunity for the team to connect and bond, building their morale and motivation.

The retreat was graced by the presence of Prof. Ir. Dr. Rosalam Sarbatly, the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation) of UMS, who provided insightful guidance on how to enhance their research and innovation efforts through lean management practices. The keynote address was very well received and provided the team with a freshperspective on how to accelerate the IP filing and commercialisation process.

Furthermore, the retreat was honoured to have Datuk Ts. Dr. Ramzah Dambul, former Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation) cum CEO of IDS, who emphasized the importance of working together with the greater ecosystem championed by the Government to accelerate the SME industries via the formation of startups and spinoffs companies. Dr. Ramzah expressed his willingness to collaborate with UMS and provide consultancy services for mutual benefits and synergy.

The retreat provided a fantastic opportunity for ICMC to reflect on their current processes, strategize and move towards a more efficient and effective future. The retreat achieved its goal of strengthening the team's spirit of collaboration and enhancing their research and innovation initiatives.

ICMC is committed to providing world-class research and innovation initiatives and will continue to strive towards excellence in collaboration with their peers and the wider community. We are excited to see what new and innovative developments the future holds for ICMC.
