Seminar on the Commercialisation of University Research Results University Sharing Platform–Industry


Seminar on Commercialisation of University Research Results: Postgraduate Role held at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Islamic Centre recently was able to create a platform where researchers and entrepreneurs get to share ideas and experiences as well as room for collaboration for mutual benefit.

The seminar organised along with Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy (FBEA), and Innovation and Commercialisation Management Centre (PPIP) not only involves discussion forum, but also opens opportunities to many creators which has successfully commercialised their product to showcase the results of their innovation to the participants.

According to statement from FBEA, other reasons the program was held is to foster a culture of innovation and commercialisation among postgraduate students.

“This seminar also aims to push collaboration and exchanging knowledge by creating a platform for researchers and entrepreneurs to share ideas and experiences, other than the chance to expand the work network by developing a stronger relationship between university and industry.

“Introducing new inventions to a wider audience is one of the main focuses of this seminar, including new innovation produced by students and university researchers.

“This effort also pushes innovation and business development by encouraging students to explore commercialisation opportunity and business development,” according to the statement.

Other focus of the seminar was also to increase awareness upon commercialisation issues.

“By providing information and guidance on challenges and opportunities in commercialisation of research results, the seminar hopes to give benefits to university in fostering a culture of innovation and commercialisation among postgraduate students.

“The seminar expected to be an effective platform in pushing more cooperation between university and industry, as well as empowering postgraduate students to keep on inventing and innovate,” statement from FPEP UMS.

In conjunction with the seminar, among those present was Director of PPIP, Prof. Dr. Jidon @ Adrian Janaun; Chief Executive Officer Eternity Mode Sdn. Bhd, Gesiri Gambung; and representative from Sabah Creative Economy & Innovation Centre (SCENIC), Ulianti Sarjuni.



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