The Power of 6S


Puan Norti

MONDAY, 02 JUNE – A Sharing of Knowledge session entitled ‘The Power of 6S’ was conducted today for members of the Housewives and Female Staff Club (KESUMBA) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) by Senior Deputy Registrar who is also the Head of Academic Services Division and Honorary Secretary for KESUMBA, Norti Sirin.

The talk which was held at Teratak KESUMBA was organised as part of the club’s activities.

Norti, in her sharing revealed that the ‘6S’ was Senyum, Salam, Sapa, Sopan/Santun, Syukurand Sabar (Smile, Greet, Manners, Be Appreciative and Patience).

“Don’t imprison yourselves with past experiences.  What matters  is the present and the people around you.  And if we are good to mother nature, mother nature will return the favour,” she said.

Norti also said that she learned most of these virtues through talks by renown speakers, Professor Dr. Muhaya Muhammad and Azizan Osman.

The sharing of knowledge session was attended by about 20 members of the club. 

KESUMBA’s Chief Bureau of Learning and Education, Junainah Ismail took the opportunity to inform its members that there will be a French speaking lesson to be conducted next Friday at 10.00 am at the same place.  All members are welcome. –FL

Media and Citra Division
Photo: Suzeanywati Gasinin