Enrol in Science Foundation Certificate, Right Choice: Vice-Chancellor Award Recipient


By Salbinous Saribun

cemerlang asasi sainsFRIDAY, 28 AUGUST – The recipient of the Vice-Chancellor (Foundation Science), Muhammad Izzudin Rumaling described the decision to further his studies at the Preparatory Centre for Science and Technology (PPST), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) as the right step.

Izzudin, who obtained excellent results achieving a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 4.0 said, continuing his studies at the centre was the right decision as it promises a place in UMS after graduation.

“The subjects in this course cannot be taken lightly because if we failed to achieve a good result, students will not be admitted to the next stage,” he said.

He was speaking to media at the Science Foundation Certificate Presentation Ceremony 2014/2015 Academic Sesion at UMS Recital Hall, yesterday.

Aspiring to become a lecturer, Izzudin used the allocated one year course wisely.

“With the successful completion of the Foundation Course, I received an offer to further my studies to Degree level at UMS in Physics and Electronics,” he concluded. – (fl)