‘Gotong Royong’ to Preserve Cleanliness and Beauty of PML UMS


MONDAY, 22 AUGUST – The Sustainable Minds Centre (PML) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) held a ‘gotong-royong’ activity in an effort to clean and beautify its surroundings.

According to Director of PML, Aidah Noordin, these activities could directly foster mutual cooperation and closer relationship among the staff.

“This gotong-royong is also supported by the company that manages the landscaping, FADA Enterprise and cleaning services, DES Dynamics at PML as part of their social responsibility in giving back to the community,” she said.

Meanwhile, Assistant Registrar of PML, Faddili Kasin said, child safety becomes the top priority for PML and cleanliness is one of the key factors in ensuring that they are always surrounded in a clean and healthy environment.

“Besides, physical security is also taken into account and PML must take the necessary precautions to ensure that PML is not exposed to physical danger.

“Therefore, this programme will become an annual activity to ensure that the areas surrounding PML is always well-maintained, fostering good values such as teamwork, tolerance and  harmony to produce responsible employees and to instill a sense of belonging to their place of work,” he concluded.

Source: Faddili Kasin, PML