FKSW Student to Represent Malaysia in Human Rights Debate


TUESDAY, 22 AUGUST 2017 – The lone representative from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Jordan Irutheeyanathan would join his counterparts in Kuala Lumpur as part of a 4-member team representing Malaysia in the upcoming debate competition to be held in Bangkok, Thailand from 3-6 September 2017.

Jordan, a third year student of the International Relations Programme (IR), Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW) UMS was selected after a rigorous preliminary selection process last July.

According to Senior Lecturer, Rizal Zamani Idris who would be accompanying Jordan, all lecturers of IR played their role in helping to equip Jordan with the relevant information pertaining to the debate competition on human rights.

“Hopes are high but the most important thing is we try our best,” said Rizal.

Earlier, Jordan accompanied by IR lecturers including members of SUHAKAM paid a courtesy call to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni, Prof. Dr. Ismail Ali at his office at Chancellery Building.

In his message, Prof. Dr. Ismail reminded the group that representing the country is already an achievement.  He also urged them to do their best.

FKSW also thanked SUHAKAM led by Datuk Godfrey Joitol who was instrumental in giving their support and has been collaborating with UMS especially with FKSW in many ways. - FL