Be One with the Environment

rekreasi sppsTHURSDAY, 24 APRIL – A total of 34 undergrads of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Sports Science Management underwent a sports and recreational activity recently at Kiulu River Bug and Zip Borneo. Under the supervision of Sports Science lecturer, Hasnol Nordin; the group under the Sports and Recreation subject encamped for two days and underwent various fun filled activities such as Flying Fox, Abseiling and Water Rafting.

 In addition to gaining experience and increasing knowledge, the programme aimed to provide opportunities for undergrads to interact and appreciate the surrounding natural beauty.

The first day started at Zip Borneo with the undergrads preparing their military-style camping ground pitching their camp beds as their resting place. They were then given a briefing by Hasnol and the management of Zip Borneo.

They then started their activity by doing abseiling, followed by flying fox. Armed with good safety precaution, every student showed their dedication in every assignment and challenges given.

On the second day, the undergrads had their experience in water rafting at Kiulu River. They were earlier given a briefing on the safety aspects, handling methods and ethics before being divided into six groups. Each boat used were supervised by the Kiulu River Bug supervisors as a safety precaution.

The undergrads were seen to have enjoyed all the activities. They described them as healthy which gave them an exciting experience and fostered closer rapport among themselves. – (fl)

Source : School of Education and Social Development

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Chancellery Department