KPM Offers Phase Two FRGS to Researchers

KPMpicMONDAY, 07 JULY – The Ministry of Education (KPM) continues to promote the generation of knowledge that can contribute towards enhancing intellectual and the creation of new technologies.

For this, KPM invites applicants to the second phase of its Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) offer in an effort to acculturate research at higher learning institutions (IPT).

According to a statement released by the Centre for Research and Innovation (PPI) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), researchers who are interested can apply on-line by using the MyGRANT system to access to the website .

Research proposals must meet the criteria of fundamental research, with quality and follows the guidelines of FRGS (revised 1/2014).

According to the statement, the amount applied must not exceed RM250,000 which is the ceiling amount with maximum research period of up to three years only.

Each Principal Researcher may submit only one research project application.

The deadline for application is 15 August 2014. More information about the scheme can be found through the Secretariat of PPI Research at extension 1631/1034/1065 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. – SS (fl)

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