16 Vacancies Available in UMS


Iklan Jawatan KosongTUESDAY, 10 FEBRUARY - Qualified Malaysian citizens, with high commitment and ambition to serve in an innovative university are invited to fill in 16 vacancies available at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

According to a statement issued by the Registrar Department of UMS, the vacancies available were under both the Management and Professional Group and the Support Group.

Grades 41 and above are available for the Management and Professional positions, whilst only grades 11-29 are available for the support group.

According to the statement, the list of positions available and application form can be obtained through UMS website at http://ejobs.ums.edu.my/ .

The deadline for applications is on 24 February 2015, 15 days after the advertisement is published. – ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division