Teaching & Learning Internal Audit This 25 August



MONDAY, 21 JULY – Centre for Strategic & Academic Management (PPSA) recently organised a briefing in preparation for the Internal Quality Audit ISO 9001:2008 (Teaching & Learning) for Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Full-time Undergraduates Programme Implementation Scope.
At the briefing, the internal auditors of the university were briefed on audit techniques, and explanation of audit clauses in preparation for conducting of quality audits in future.
The briefing was conducted by Chief Internal Auditor of UMS, Senior Deputy Registrar, Norti Hj. Sirin held at the Galeri, Chancellery Building.
PPSA Secretariat announced that the audit period will be held for two months starting 25 August 2014 to provide opportunity to conduct audits and follow-up audits at the said Department, Faculty, Centre, Institute and Unit (JFPIU). - ZMD (fl)

Source: Centre for Strategic & Academic Management (PPSA)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department