UMS Sends Students and Staff for Missionary Work in the Interior

pelajar umskalTHURSDAY, 10 JULY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) through its Labuan International Campus (KAL) sent a delegation of students and staff of the university to preach at Sapulut District, Sabah recently.

According to the programme coordinator, Rafidah Arshad, the missionary-based programme was an effective way to expose participants to missionary skills as a freelance activity.

“Participants perform follow-up missionary work at the areas involved through various forms of social activities, education, social and welfare work that promotes understanding, warmth and fellowship among the community of all races and religions,” she said.

She added that the expedition that lasted for six days received support and cooperation from the Student Affairs Division (BHEP), Student Representatives Council (MPP) UMSKAL, Students Welfare Committee (JAKMAS) UMSKAL, Student Mentor Partners and Rakan Muda Secretariat UMSKAL.

“The expedition fosters a noble missionary network with volunteers from Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) Perak who was with the team the past six days,” she added.

The delegation consisted 14 pax and was accompanied by an independent preacher Ustaz Mohd Fadli Yusof and his wife, Ustazah Aisyah Nordin. – SS (fl)

Source: Azri Onn, UMSKAL

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