‘Wacana Ilmu’ Shares Traditional and Complementary Treatment

perubatan tradisional1THURSDAY, 12 JUNE – ‘Wacana Ilmu’ organized by Islamic Affairs and Mosque Unit shared knowledge on medical concept in traditional and complementary treatment.

Lecturer from Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, Dr. Mohd Rosni Sulaiman, explained basically traditional and complementary treatments have 11 main branchs.

“Cupping or ‘Bekam’ is the most important traditional treatment. The Muslims are even encouraged to do ‘Bekam’, as a way to prevent from diseases and also as sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saw).

“The other branches of treatments are ‘Syifa’, using Quranic verses as treatment, Reflexology, Ayurveda, Malay traditional massage, Acupuncute, Reiki, Herbal, Yumeiho, Chiro and Homeopati,” he explained.

Dr. Mohd Rosni who has experiences in traditional treatment said, to have a total healing, patient needs to receive holistic treatments with combinations of a few methods of treatments.

“However, traditional treatments is a way to the patients to cure illness, but curing the illness is all on Allah’s will,” he said.

According to him, modern treatment’s advantage is in diagnosing disease compared to the traditional method treatment. Hence, patients are advised to seek modern treatment to detect health problem before deciding to continue seeking modern treatment or having traditional treatment as cure.

More than 40 attendees attended the talk. It will be postpone and continue after Eid. -MA & SM-

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Chancellory Department