Islamic Arts Festival UMS Starts 28 April 2013

festivalTUESDAY, 23 APRILThe Islamic Arts Festival Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) will be held from 27 April.  The Festival organised by the Exco of Spiritual and Harmony Committee of the Anugerah Bestari (AB) Student Welfare Committee (JAKMAS) will be held for three days and will highlight exciting features.

According to the Head of Programme, Mohd. Haziq Murshidi, the festival among others will include A Fraternity Concert, Dialogue On Love Forum and Islami Talent Search.  Also incorporated in the event are friendly match through futsal and Muslimat Power jogathon.

Haziq added that the festival which will be held at certain locations in UMS will feature personalities such as Nazrie Johani of the group Raihan and Munif Ahmad of the group Hijjaz.  Imam Muda Asyyraf and Imam Muda Nazrul including other personalities were expected to be at the festival.

All are welcome to help make this festival a success which will end on 28 April 2013.

By Salbinous Saribun/Feria Lee

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