UMS Undergrads Reach Out to Kg. Brunei Kimanis Community

kimanisFRIDAY, 16 MAY – Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Assoc. Prof. Datuk Dr. Kasim Hj. Md Mansur today sent off about 200 participants of the Kg. Brunei Kimanis Papar UMS-SPRINT Community Networking Programme.

The programme was held in conjunction with the Premier Curriculum Carnival held every year organised by the Centre for Curriculum and Student Development (PKPP) UMS.

PKPP this year made a change when it was engaged with the local community through the host family programme with the theme ‘University-Community Engagement’.

According to Datuk Dr. Kasim, the co-curriculum carnival provided an opportunity for the undergrads to reach out to the community.

“The programme is able to introduce the local culture and tradition of Sabah to UMS undergrads who comes from Peninsular Malaysia,” he said.

kimanis2He added that local community involvement was also a new experience for the undergrads as an effort to produce competent graduates.

Participants were expected to carry out ‘mendadih’ (communal cooking activity) besides cultural performances and communal activity with the villagers.

The ceremony was expected to be officiated by the President of the Council of the Sabah Native Affairs and Bongawan Assemblyman, Mohamad Hj. Alamin. – ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department