‘Tun Mustapha’ Boosts Students’ Spirit to Enter the Ivory Tower

FRIDAY, 02 OCTOBER – The Academic and Career, Student Welfare Committee (JAKMAS) Tun Mustapha Residential College in collaboration with SMK Abdullah 2, Semporna held a 'Segerak Borneo 5.0' Programme, recently.

According to its Programme Director, Muhamad Anas Ahmad Siati, the programme aimed to give an early exposure and boost the spirit of those who would be continuing their education at university level.

“This programme is one of the medium for SMK Abdullah 2 school students to experience the life of a university student thus inspire and motivate them to strive to enter the ivory tower,” he said.

Meanwhile, he explained that the programme initiated by the school teachers themselves provided an opportunity for students to see for themselves the development surrounding UMS and Kota Kinabalu.

Anas said, among the activities carried out included ice-breaking, exploration, talentime and group training activities (LDK).

“Students were also brought around UMS, including the Main Lecture Centre and witnessed on-going lecture sessions,” he added.

For participant Mohd. Said Tuloh, 17, the programme had a positive impact on her life.

“I learned that group cooperation such as LDK is very important and that gives an early insight into the life of being independent , which is important in campus life,” she added.

Segerak Borneo 5.0 involved 42 students who were on-campus at the Tun Mustapha Residential College for five days. – ZMD (fl)

Source: Norhana Nordin, HEPA