UMS Research Output for the Society

Kajian UMSMONDAY, 11 AUGUSTSharing source of knowledge element, based on the social treasure inherited from their ancestors, need to be documented to the society especially for the future generation.

According to UMS Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage Lecturer (FKSW), Mohammad Pu’ad Bebit, the prospects and source of research exists in Sabah consists of heritage inheritance in life socialization, culture objects, cultural and food that leads to documentation and thus the research.

“Ethnic diversity with various practiced lifestyles especially in the area of culture gives inspirations to the researcher to collect, record, document and publishing in the form of books or articles to be shared with the community.”

He added, studies carried out can awaken the young generation on the importance of knowing, understanding and preserving the heritage, inherited from their ancestors to them.

“At least the young generations will appreciate their heritage inherited from their ancestors. This legacy needs to be conserved and preserve until end of time,” he added during a simple ceremony while presenting a book to the Head of Village Jambongan Island, Hj. Raup Hj. Jalil. The book, entitled “Warisan Seni dan Budaya Masyarakat Kepulauan Pesisir Sabah”, written by 5 FKSW lecturers, is published by Penerbit UMS. – CD (ja)

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