UHEIM Arranges Various Programmes in Conjunction With Ramadan

masjidMONDAY, 30 JUNE – Various activities have been arranged by the Mosque and Islamic Affairs Unit (UHEIM) to observe the month of Ramadan Al-Mubarak.

Among them are Terawih Prayers, Daily Tazkirah, Weekly Talks, Nuzul Al-Quran Talks, Zakat Fitra Collection, Tadarus Al-Qu’ran and others.

Also included is the online question and answer session opened during this holy month.

As such, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) community and those around it are invited to participate in these programmes.

For more information on the activities and schedules of UHEIM Hay Ramadan, please check on www.ums.edu.my/masjid/ramadhan. – SS (fl)

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